

Loreen, 2012 Eurovision Song Contest Winner

The 2012 Eurovision Contest Winner, Loreen, recorded a video message of support for gays and lesbians in Moldova. “All my gay sisters and my gay brothers, be proud of who you are no matter what anybody says. What you are is everything. It is normal. I love you and I promise you that it gets better”, stated Swedish artist for website.

Vlad, Singer and Radio Host

Vlad, singer and host: "In Moldova, there are people who will support, accept, and will help you on your life path to happiness. Be yourself, feel what you feel, and it will get better."

Nora Dorogan, teatru-spălătorie cofounder

Nora Dorogan believes that parent should not create an image and attribute it to the child but should rather help him or her discover himself or herself, being close to the child.

Geta Burlacu, supporting LGBT

Jazz singer Geta Burlacu makes a statement in support of LGBT people.

The message is part of the open archive of the ROGVAIV project implemented by teatru-spălătorie.

Lilian Severin, FurioSnails frontman

Lilian Severin, frontman of the indie rock band FurioSnails, opposes any type of discrimination.

The message is part of the open archive of the ROGVAIV project implemented by teatru-spălătorie.


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