

Oleg Brega, journalist, activist, Hyde Park Association member

I am at the gates of the central market in a delicate situation. Perhaps, the situation is as delicate as of those who are encouraged to talk about their special, blamed, identity; to talk about their unconventional sexual orientation. I don't know what advice I can give to them and what exactly encourage them to do. I'd like to address myself to those who believe theyr are normal, natural, and of majority.



Andrei Bolocan, JurnalTV Host, Blogger

"I really want to believe that tolerance, acceptance, love, the feeling that we all are a big family on this planet is a conclusion that, unfortunately, is intended to come later".

Nikita Soloviev, TV and Radio Host

"In childhood my parents taught me to be tolerant to all - to the homeless, animals, to people who are think differently, who treat others differently, and it's something normal. I have a number of gay friends, and I can say with confidence that many of them are smarter, more attractive and kinder than many heterosexual couples and people".

Alex Gurdila, JurnalTV Host

Alex Gurdila is a JurnalTV host. Alex assumes there are gays among his friends. He would like them to say: "Alex, look, I am different. I've kept this secret to myself. But I trust you and I know you won't change your opinion about me".

Natalia Morari, jurnalistă, blogger

Jurnalista Natalia Morari susţine persoanele LGBT, vorbind despre nediscriminare.

Mesajul face parte din arhiva deschisă a proiectului ROGVAIV realizat de teatru-spălătorie.

Petru Macovei, Executive Director of Independent Press Association

Petru Macovei, Executive Director of Independent Press Association, speaks about an open society and contribution of the press to it. 

Lilu, prezentătoarea TV

Lilu este binecunoscută prin emisiunea "Deşteptarea" de pe postul JurnalTV. Lilu povesteşte despre colegul său care i-a destăinuit că este gay.

Natalia Ghilaşcu, jurnalistă independentă

Natalia Ghilaşcu este renumită prin activitatea sa jurnalistică în domeniul discriminării. Natalia a lansat un portal - Discriminare Media ( - pe care publică ştiri, diverse istorii şi cazuri de discriminare în Republica Moldova.

Consuela Tamazlâcaru, jurnalistă, prezentatoare TV

Jurnalista Consuela Tamazlâcaru în susţinerea persoanelor LGBT.

Irina, journalist

Irina has been friends with gays since childhood and accepts them as they are for one shouldn't be judged for his or her sexual orientation, but for one's qualities.


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  • Вовчик T.


    В один из погожих зимних дней я встретился с моим хорошим знакомым, который вот уже несколько месяцев работает над содержанием своего блога в Интер