Public persons


Bobbie Jo Traut, Civil Rights Defenders, Moldova

Bobbie Jo Traut, Civil Rights Defenders, Moldova

Rev. Jim Mulcahy, the MCC Program Officer for Eastern Europe

Rev. Jim Mulcahy, the Metropolitan Community Church Program Officer for Eastern Europe. Currently, he lives and works in Ukraine. For many years he has served as a religious educator, grief counselor and hospice chaplain. 

Igor Boţan, Director of Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT)

Igor Boţan, political analysit, tell the story of Alan Turing, A British mathematician and computer scientist, who fell prey of institutionalized homofobia in Great Britain in 1950s. The message is part of the open archive of the ROGVAIV project implemented by the teatru-spălătorie company.

Arcadie Barbăroșie, Executive Director of Institute for Public Policy

Aracadie Barbăroşie is a Dcotor in Mathematical Sciences and Executive Director of the Institute of Public Policy in the Republic of Moldova, a non-governmental and independent organization founded to contribute to the development of an open, participatory, pluralist and democratic values-based society in the country. 


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    N-aș putea afirma că am conștientizat propria-mi orientare sexuală din fragedă copilărie. Am crescut ca cel mai obișnuit copil, mă îndrăgosteam de băieți, fiindcă toate fetele se îndrăgosteau de băieți, fiindcă așa trebuia să fie.